"My Blaster, My responsibility" Campaign Supporters

The Club has launched the “My Blaster, My Responsibility” Safety Campaign with the following objectives:

  • Public education regarding the legal requirements and associated penalties for misuse of Gel Blasters;
  • Public education regarding safety measures to be taken by sport participants “off the field”;
  • Public education regarding safety measures to be taken by sport participants “on the field”.

The aim of the campaign is to have an educated community so that incidents involving gel blasters are minimised and legal compliance maximised. This is an industry self-regulation and education effort, in support of Government’s efforts, so that the sport of Gel Ball and Airsoft is safeguarded and safely expanded.

Affiliated GelSoft Clubs / Venues

The following WA Gel Ball venues have offered their support for our “My Blaster, My Responsibility” safety campaign by:

  • Promoting our “My Blaster, My Responsibility” safety campaign to their clients;
  • Allowing educational banners to be raised at their venues;
  • Allowing Club Ambassadors to address their clients regarding the “My Blaster, My Responsibility” safety campaign, the Club’s activities, Gel Blaster legal requirements, code of conduct, etc.; and
  • Providing “My Blaster, My Responsibility” flyers to their clients.

D.A.S.H. Paintball

Perth GelBlasting Underground (PGBU)

Perth Gel Ball / Gel Blaster Events

Albany Gel Ballers

Karratha Gelsoft

Kalgoorlie Gelsoft club

“My Blaster, My Responsibility” Safety Campaign


The following retailers have offered their support for our “My Blaster, My Responsibility” safety campaign by:

  • Providing our campaign flyer with every Gel Blaster purchase made in Western Australia;
  • Promoting our campaign on their social media; and / or
  • Promoting our campaign on their website.

CQ Blasters

Hawkex Tactical

Big Boss Tactical

Azrael Armoury

Tactical Edge Hobbies

Pew Pew Tac


Political Supporters

The greatest supporter the Club has had in lobbying for Airsoft is Hon. Aaron Stonehouse MLC from the Liberal Democrats Party.

With Aaron’s support we were able to table our petition as well as draft and introduce to Parliament a Bill proposing the regulation of Airsoft in Western Australia: the Firearms Amendment (Airsoft) Bill 2019 or WA Airsoft Bill for short.

His website on Airsoft provides further information, such as videos, timeline of activities to date and progress on the WA Airsoft Bill. Please visit GoAirsoft.com.au and show your support.

The political parties identified below have also given their support for the Bill:

Liberal Democrats WA

Liberal Party of WA

The Nationals WA

Shooters, Fishers & Farmers Party

Western Australia Party

International Airsoft Organisations

UK Airsoft Player’s Union

European Airsoft Federation


NABV: The Netherlands Airsoft Sports Board

Updated 6 February 2021